By definition, fasting is the absence of caloric consumption for a distinct period of time. There are several different fasting strategies: intermittent, alternate day, and even several days. However, there are also modifications within fasting such as “fat fasting” or a “protein sparing modified fast” that can be useful tools in your ketogenic journey.
By definition, fasting is the absence of caloric consumption for a distinct period of time. There are several different fasting strategies: intermittent, alternate day, and even several days. However, there are also modifications within fasting such as “fat fasting” or a “protein sparing modified fast” that can be useful tools in your ketogenic journey.
Not only can fasting be done on a ketogenic diet, but it may even be beneficial for increasing ketone production. However, research has found that fasting is not a requirement—you can pro
duce ketones without fasting . We recommend giving it a try at some point during your ketogenic journey to see if it’s for you.
We all go through periods of some type of fasting—we fast while we’re asleep, for instance. Hunter-gatherers went through periods of fasting throughout their lives. While there may be some cases in which extended periods of fasting may not be beneficial, such as when cortisol levels are uncontrollable or possibly during pregnancy, studies have found that in general it can be safely implemented into an individual’s lifestyle.
There are three main fasting protocols:
Contrary to what you have been told your whole life, breakfast isn’t necessarily the most important meal of the day. If you choose to fast, you can certainly skip breakfast or even have a “fat fast” breakfast of coffee with MCTs and then eat your first meal in the afternoon.
Fat fasting is exactly what it sounds like: consuming fat during a fasting period. Research has shown that consuming fat alone does not increase insulin levels , can improve insulin sensitivity , and mimics the body’s reactions that occur during normal fasting. Therefore, having coffee with some MCT oil or even exogenous ketones might mimic the response you would achieve with fasting.