Age: 44
Starting Weight: 110
Current Weight: 95
How long have you been following a ketogenic diet? 5 years
What is your favorite keto meal? Baked feta with palmini noodles
Why did you start keto?
After losing my grandparents to cancer I decided to make a lifestyle change for myself. I did my research and found that a ketogenic diet selectively starves tumor growth by providing the fat and protein that cannot be used by glucose-dependent tumor cells. I’m healthier than I’ve ever been and pay attention to what I put in my body!!
What was the hardest part of keto and how did you overcome it?
The hardest part was not having snacks and meals on hand. So now every Sunday I meal prep for the week and don’t have the urge to grab unhealthy snacks.
Biggest changes in your day-to-day life?
The biggest changes would be the energy I now have and the routine I’ve put in place so I always stay on track.
Best tip for newbies?
Set a routine that you are going to follow every day so it becomes second nature! This is a lifestyle change, not a fad diet. There are no cheat days! You’re just cheating your own health! Make sure you prep and keep plenty of healthy snacks on hand. Remember this is your lifestyle change! You can do this!
If there is one thing that you could tell yourself when first getting started, what would it be and why?
Stick with it! It gets easier once you set your routine!