Potassium is a mineral that’s essential for your body to function properly. So, what are the risks of potassium deficiency? What are the benefits of consuming potassium-rich foods? Where can you find the best keto-friendly food sources of potassium?
Potassium is a type of electrolyte that assists with nerve functioning and muscle contraction. It also helps move nutrients into cells and waste products out of your cells [1].
Potassium is highly reactive in water and produces positively charged ions when dissolved in water. This allows potassium to conduct electricity, which is important for bodily processes, such as fluid balance and nerve signaling.
An estimated 98% of the potassium in your body is found in your cells. Around 80% of the potassium in your cells is present in your muscle cells. The other 20% can be found in your liver, red blood cells, and bones [2] [3].
Having plenty of potassium in your keto diet is associated with various health benefits, such as:
Over 98% of Americans don’t meet the US recommendations for potassium [9].
Potassium deficiencies usually happen when the body suddenly loses too much potassium. For example, chronic vomiting or diarrhea, excess sweating, or certain situations involving rapid water or blood loss can lead to potassium deficiency. Less commonly, it’s the result of low potassium intake.
You’re considered potassium deficient if you have a blood potassium level below 3.5 mmol per liter [10] [11] [12] [13]. The signs of potassium deficiency include:
On the other hand, consuming too much potassium is rare, and it’s typically the result of taking too many potassium supplements. Individuals suffering from poor kidney function or chronic kidney disease might also deal with excess blood potassium (when the body can’t remove the mineral through urine) [18].
Potassium is abundant in numerous whole foods, particularly vegetables, fruits, and fish. Most health experts believe the optimal daily potassium intake is 3,500-4,700mg [19] [20].
The best keto-friendly food sources of potassium include:
Share your favorite recipes using potassium-rich foods like avocados.
U.S. National Library of Medicine. Potassium.
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