Weight loss is one of the most popular reasons people go keto, but weight loss is far from simple. You might have heard the ketogenic diet can be effective for weight loss, shift your metabolism, and bring a whole host of other health benefits. To aid you on your weight loss journey, here are some weight loss tips on the keto diet.
One of the simplest weight loss tips you can try on your health journey is to stay hydrated and make sure you’re drinking enough water. Around 30-59% of US adults trying to lose weight increase their water intake, and studies show drinking more water can positively affect weight loss and maintenance [1] [2] [3]
Drinking water can increase the number of calories you burn, but remember, weight loss is far more complex than just looking at your calories. Resting energy expenditure refers to the amount of energy you expend at rest. Within 10 minutes of drinking water, resting energy expenditure in adults has been shown to increase by 24-30%. Like food, water also has a thermic effect on the body and can increase the metabolic rate [4] [5] [6] [7]. Drinking water before your meals might also reduce your appetite [8].
Exercise has also proven successful as part of the weight loss puzzle. Get moving and find new exercises and activities that keep you active, but don’t get boring. Why not combine your exercise with some time in nature? Why not try a new exercise? If you usually go cycling, go for a brisk walk or light jog instead or try yoga or Tai Chi! Whatever your weight, health, and physical limitations, exercise can help you achieve your weight loss goals. Simply moving your body more is one of the simplest weight loss tips to help you achieve your goals. [9] [10] [11] [12]
Intermittent fasting might be a good idea if you’re trying to lose weight. Fasting just means you don’t eat for a certain time period. With intermittent fasting, you fast at specific intervals and have fasted and feeding windows. You might choose to fast for 12-24 hours or occasionally practice long-term fasting for 24 hours or longer. Studies show intermittent fasting can exhibit powerful effects on your body and can improve health conditions like type 2 diabetes. Intermittent fasting can help with weight loss for several reasons. For example, it lowers calorie intake and involves refraining from consuming sugar and foods that prompt the insulin hormone and promote weight gain and fat storage [13] [14] [15] [16]
Research highlights the weight loss benefits of avoiding sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages, which is a given when you’re fasting and you’re keto [17] When you fast, your body experiences changes at the molecular and cellular level. For example, your body makes stored body fat more accessible by adjusting your hormone levels. Due to these hormone changes, short-term fasting might enhance your metabolic rate by 3.6-14% [18] [19]
Make sure you’re eating nutritious low-carb foods on the keto diet. Adding volume with low-calorie nutrient-dense veggies is one of the easiest and most common weight loss tips. Some people might need to watch the consumption of oils, including spray oils. With enough fiber, healthy fats, moderate protein, and plenty of nutrients, many people feel satiated, stay in ketosis, and achieve a stable, healthy weight. The healthy fat on the keto diet can help regulate body weight. Eating more fiber is also beneficial for your microbiome — the bacteria and microbes in your digestive system [20]
People like Crystal and Jessica continue to share their impressive weight loss results using the ketogenic diet. Get motivated and inspired by these health and weight loss transformations. Having a like-minded keto community gives you valuable support. You could also join the keto club to receive exclusive articles, doctor guides, Ebooks, and more. Another helpful option is the OK32 system — a user-friendly blueprint including recipes, guides, workout programs, and a customizable meal plan with different calorie variations tailored to suit your individual needs and lifestyle.
Have you lost weight on keto? Share your weight loss transformation story and favorite weight loss tips with other keto dieters.
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