Ordering low carb at Wendy’s can seem impossible. Almost everything is battered and fried and served with a side of fries. While eating fast food isn’t the most optimal for health, everyone is human and we understand that sometimes it can be the only option. Here’s how to order keto at Wendy’s!
When following the ketogenic diet, you are going to want to dramatically reduce carbohydrate intake. That means no more bread or french fries! But, that also means cutting sneaky carbs (like ketchup). Here are the things you are going to want to avoid when following the keto diet at Wendy’s:
Now that you know what not to order, here is a guide to some of the tastiest and simplest low-carb menu items at Wendy’s.
Maybe Wendy’s isn’t your favorite fast food spot, but you still want to know what you should order! If this sounds like you, check out our articles on:
Do you have a favorite meal to order at Wendy’s or do you try to avoid fast food altogether? Comment below and share your thoughts with the community!